Book of the month

Kagiso Msimango' goddess bootcamp

WE all have that one book that has inspired us to make changes in our lives.

For me, it's Kagiso Msimango's Goddess Bootcamp. She narrows down ways in which one can live a life full of what she likes to call wow-ness,as apposed to living an okay life. Whether its spiritual recovery, uplifmtent or seeking direction to unlock your full potential this book will help you manage your life and rediscover yourself.

I'm still in the process of reading the book, but even I must confess that's its contents so far are too juicy and insightful that I simply can't keep them to myself.

'What if doing what you love is more important then buying things you don't need to impress people you don't like?'

A few things I learnt from the book 

The importance of seeking a God in a female image
You are either happening to life or life is happening to you
The difference between reacting and responding
The powerful engage,inspire,create and give- all a choice
Redefining your definition of success to be 100% personalized for you.
If you understand and play by the rules, you can save yourself a lot of time, suffering and heartache.
Law of reciprocacy: You give to get so if you want love, give love
We are not in the world, but the world is within us.
Give yourself spiritual sustainense
   Its not all you.

At first glance, it may seem like a lot to take in. But the book is a guide to improve your life in areas where you feel it is lacking. No one wants to be told they're wrong, or doing something unproductively, but its crucial to identify such factors in your life.

One of the things that stood out to me was the topic of knowing yourself. This goes hand in hand with decision making. She states that

'Our decisions are governed by our conditioning therefore we have the illusion of free will.'

This conditioning is a result of socialization, manners, education and culture. As we are young our programming comes from parents, guardians,peers,teachers, and siblings. However, as we get older it comes from the books we read,  movies we watch and the music we listen to. This ties in with the harboring of fears which are often inherited by someone else(its not all you).

Kagiso's remedy for this is by identifying goddesses who may act as role models. 
This concept, and her sentiments on putting yourself first and accepting that not everyone will want or appreciate you; there will be rejection, is what makes the book a huge success.

This book is the perfect read for all women, and men. Yes, men too. 

While some of its contents might not apply to you, be selective or what you take in and disregard or disagree with to transform your life,like Oya, the goddess of the Niger river (one of my favorites) who fosters change through chaos and destruction to discover transformation.

Love and light,

(For more insightful posts, read articles under food for thought)

