Maintaining minimalism

Maintaining minimalim

Do you often evaluate what you need versus what you want?

If the answer is no then this is probably because your life requires some form of minimalism. I used to think that minimalists were white, priviledged bloggers who always wear white or monochrome colors and have white bed sheets but I've come to a different conclusion.

Anyone can be a minimalist. 

Yes, and you can quote me on that, free of charge.

We know that Mies Van der Rohe believed that 'less is more' and Leonardo Da Vinci's sentiment that simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication.

But these are just words like any other, unless applied.

AS  human beings we are conditioned to believe that we need many friends, material possessions, such as cars or houses, soical media fame, and people's approval in our lives.

But let me tell you a secret. Like anything in life, you must live a balanced life and constantly revealuate it. You know the saying you are what you eat. Well, you are what you wear, read, listen to, the people that you associate yourself with, your habits, belief systems and the way you react to situations.

As women, its common to judge and indulge in other's lifestyles. But when was the last time you looked in the mirror and evaluated your own?

Minimalism helps you do just that.

Its a tool you can use to de-clutter your life, refocus on your own journey, take control of your health and your surroundings. In a sense minimalism empowers you and gives you a sense of freedom. Freedom to express yourself and live in your truth. Freedom to take control of your life. And freedom to embrace change.

So what is minimalism ?

Minimalism is to

Get rid of things excess things and people
Gain control of your life
Create more and consume less
Take control of your health
Discover your passions
Contribute beyond yourself
Find freedom in all that you do
Discover a belief system to guide you

By living life with a minimalist approach we are able to keep reinventing ourselves and our lifestyles and that's important. Don't get stuck. Find your freedom and try to live a life authentically yours, not what you think people expect of you. Trust me you won't make everyone happy. 

But if your'e genuinely happy that's all that matters. And maybe having a few close friends, a few social media followers who genuinely care about what you have to say, and taking care of your spiritual and physical health isn't too bad. 

Trust me I know.

Love and light,

